Tuesday, November 14, 2023

A Creative Title


Hello everybody! Well, it was a pretty good week. Not a whole lot really happened, just a couple highlights.

One thing we learned this week is that Saintana is living with a friend during this month that her husband's in Georgia. Not sure if she's still in Immokalee or not, she hasn't gotten back to us about that yet. Bummer.

This week we talked to one of our friends named Carline! She's really cool, she had walked to the chapel here in Immokalee to check it out and wants a church family to be a part of since she's new to the country. Being that she's new to the country, she has lots of problems, but she's really interested in the church and is willing to do whatever it takes to get there on Sunday. We'll be working on making sure she can get there.

This week we also had interviews! Strange to think that this was my second to last one. Most of it was working on plans for my release. Crazy!

When we got back from interviews, we had a whole evening open so we decided to walk a cross town and talk to every Haitian person we saw. Which ended up being a grand total of 1 haha. It was some good bonding time for Elder Dorilas and I though, and our feet were really sore haha (walking is way different than biking haha). Turns out the Spanish elders followed our example and ended up talking to a pretty cool person, so it wasn't a total waste haha.

We had some pretty crazy thunderstorms, there were a couple times when lighting struck super close to us. We made sure to get off our bikes and wait under a safe place haha.

Sunday was pretty good this week, we had 2 less actives there from Immokalee! Guenson and Witnise had called us the day before saying "we're coming to church tomorrow and we need a ride" so we arranged one and they came! They had a good experience and are coming back again this week. We're also trying to work with them to help them get to the temple. Yay!

That was pretty much it for this week. It was one of those weeks where we reported 0s in every category. Bummer. As of this week I only have 2 months left in my mission! Crazy! Another crazy thing is that the church announced changes to preach my gospel! It's been updated for the first time in the 14 years since it was released. I've found it very interesting to have the old and the new side by side and finding everything they changed. Sometimes it's just a simpler word or a rephrase sentence, other times it's adding or taking away entire thoughts or quotes. Pretty exciting! Anyways have a great week!

🇭🇹 Lanmou,
Eldè Stevenson

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