Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Craziness🙃 🌞 🌩️


Hello everybody! This week has been pretty crazy haha. So many things that were just out of the ordinary. We'll start, as always, with transfers. I will be STAYING and Elder Charles will be TRANSFERRING! Wasn't what either of us were expecting haha, we thought either we both would go or Elder Charles would stay and I would go. My new companion will be Elder Dorelas, a newer Haitian missionary that just finished being trained. Elder Seal and Elder Belnap will both be leaving, Elder Seal will train in Miramar and Elder Belnap is going to be a zone leader in coral springs zone. Elder Fields will be taking their place with a trainee as well (apparently he was trained here, that's interesting). We're in for an interesting time, as starting just last weekend about 75% of Immokalee is leaving town, the majority of them being Haitians. The picking season here is over, all the workers are leaving on contract to go to Gainesville, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, etc where there are other fields for them to work in. Several of our friends are among that group. I'm going to fill in President Garns about the situation and see what he wants us to do.

This week was a little stormy. Especially the beginning of the week there were thunderstorms almost every day. We even got hailed on while we were biking, twice haha. Crazy stuff. 

But when it wasn't raining, it was really hot. Yesterday was the hottest day we've had, getting up past 90 and with lots of humidity from the recent rains. We were basically getting deep fried haha. We bought ourselves some snowcones from one of the Mexican ice cream trucks and I got tan lines on my face from my sunglasses from just the one day haha. This week it looks like it's going to stay hot but there should be a little rain to help cool us down. 

We tried again to have an English class, we had many people committed to coming, but it rained that day so no one came (remember, Haitians are terrified of the rain!) None of our ideas like this have worked (think back to when we tried FHE) so maybe we'll have to stick with the basics (even though most of the Haitians are leaving...) It will be an interesting time.

Other than that the rest of the week was mostly visiting with friends and talking to people whenever we can. It's kinda sad to know that a good number of those we've been working with and talking to are now leaving, I'm kinda nervous to see how this all is gonna work...

Astrel was set to come to church this week with Saintana but his car broke on his way to go buy some stuff. He's one of the one's that's leaving. I believe he leaves on Friday but is slated to come back sometime late July as Saintana is supposed to give birth early August. Yup, he's leaving his pregnant wife with their other baby to take care of all by herself... It's a pretty hard life people live out here.

That's pretty much it for the week. Lots of craziness happened, with lots more on the horizon. Hard to believe that I'm on my 15th transfer now... My 2nd to last. Not only that, but my birthday is on Wednesday. I pretty much forgot about it haha, I'm turning 20! That doesn't really register for me yet. Speaking of registering, registration for BYU is next week, I'll need to finalize my schedule today. Like I said, lots of craziness with lots more on the horizon. Hope you all have a good week!

🇭🇹 Lanmou,
Eldè Stevenson

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